So what happens after Last Vegas?
Words can't even describe what I've learned from this trip.
First of all, I learned that Bill Gates is notorious for being the richest man and the poorest tipper (a dwarf named Bill told me that he plays a $3-$6 card game, and doesn't tip dealers or waitresses for the drinks). A cabbie who loved how I bought AAPL (Apple) and another who had a $1 million dollar home.
I ended up seeing over five different casinos from the Venetian to the Hard Rock, even the Hooters casino (yuck). From my orbits of gracing different poker halls, I'll skip the bad beats, the variances, my growing love for craps, and a hooker who said it "got busy for some reason for some big poker tournament a few months ago..." (it was the World Series of Poker for those who don't know)
One of the most insightful conversations I had with bonds trader-now poker pro named Steve Frederick. His resume was quite impressive, he was lean, and moved in a sleek, Nike track suit set at 10 in the morning. Steve constantly chirped about crack and strippers. He was notorious for missing his big blind when he got up for breaks. By the time I left him, Steve would end up playing two eight-hour sessions.
I have never in my life seen anyone play more brilliantly than this man. He'd call and show you bottom pair before you could flip over your cards, chirping that Ace high was no good. He was a man in his own element at the felt table.
But the more I saw the city, and his wry stories about his divorce ("Oh she hated other things as well besides poker," Steve added), and the strange desperation that crept quietly beneath the glitz, the more I realized the opportunity cost I'd have to pay to play poker as a career.
This trip definitely changed my perspective about playing poker full time, which is something I would never want to do. I'd still want to do something, anything. Volunteering, helping someone start a business, what have you. But I also realized that if you have a steady hand and a good carrot, even a donkey like me can be steered in the right direction.
To cap off this entry, I'd give it up to Steve for summing up the trip from two texts he sent me later that night I met him:
"Left the table & got a massage & bj 4 $200."
20 minutes later at 1 am.
"Made 1k u playing tonight or tues?"
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