Saturday, September 19, 2009

"Suffering" to Three Percent.

What really sucks right about now is the realization that I must go in on this alone. Nobody really believes the dream except a friendly, perhaps pitying, "Good luck!" and hell, whom am I to say that I'm even sure of this myself either.

There was some statistic rattled off somewhere either on the Internet or at the poker table I do not remember about how only three percent of this occupation can making a profitable living with poker. I do not know if it's one, or maybe even 10, but you, dear reader get the idea. It's going to be tough, and it's a reach to say the least.

Let me just time-stamp this Kinko copy and say that I know absolutely nothing about how my poker dream will transpire. But there will be suffering, and the suffering will tear me from my insulating, comfort life. I want to shed all that is unnecessary for this journey. If it will not help, then it is a burden. However, as Rob Bell said in his Drop Like Stars, "What every artist must learn is that even the failed pieces are essential."

I want to TRY for once in a big way. Just go out and reach for a dream without compromise. If I fail, this would be one of my life's masterpieces.